Methodist Ladies' College
Friends of Art
2013 Biennial Acquisitive Exhibition
Opening night: Friday 9 August, 5–7pm
Common Ground Exhibition Space
207 Barkers Road, Kew
I am delighted to be returning to my old stomping ground to share some of my recent work with MLC. The exhibition features numerous contemporary artists across various fields, and will be open until 23 August.

KitlyDagmar Pop Up
Launch Party: Friday 9 August, 6pm
Paramount Building, 53-55 Brisbane St, Surry Hills
Pop Up shop open from Saturday August 10 to Sunday August 11
The ever fabulous Melbourne retailers Mr Kitly and Dagmar Rousset are taking the show on the road to share some lovely wares with Sydneysiders! Unfortunately I won't make the event myself, but some work of mine will be there to represent. I believe there will be champagne involved on Friday night, so get amongst it! For you Melbourne folk, never fear – I will be launching work at Dagmar Rousset in early October, so stay tuned!

You Are The Gardens
Opening night: Saturday 10 August, 4.30–7pm
Stockroom Gallery, 98 Piper St, Kyneton
Show runs from 10 August to 8 September
Lucy James explores the ambiguity of female relationships in You Are The Gardens. Paired women engage in embraces that could actually be loving fights or combative hugs. How do we love and fight, or are these concepts interchangeable? Working with found and imagined imagery James creates a parallel world where people still touch and giant flowers float from the sky. This show coincides with the CraftCubed festival, and will launch alongside Larry Parkinson's Crossing.

Well there is a whole lotta opening going on next week, so come and enjoy the fun! I'm pretty confident I'll be the one clutching the bottle of champagne in the corner, so do come and say hi. I might even share a glass with you.
Happy weekend everyone!